Sur­face Prop­er­ties

As components and work pieces typically come into contact with their environment via the surface, this is required to display certain qualities to ensure optimal functionality and safety - so-called surface properties.

Surface properties cover a wide range of aspects and multiple facets. On the one hand, they refer to the characteristics of the surface prior to treatment - for example, prior to coating. At the same time, the term also refers to the properties that generate such a coating. Finally, the term refers to the coating itself. With the aid of special technologies and procedures, the surface of a work piece can be modified - with the goal of extending, altering or retaining the function.

In surface technology a distinction is made between technical or functional characteristics and decorative finishes. Typical technical surface properties include adhesion, cleanness, roughness, weather resistance and corrosion protection as well as mechanical resistance and chemical resistance. Decorative surface properties include coloring and gloss level.